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Thomas E. Carter's Biography

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From the age of 13, Thomas E. Carter believed his ultimate calling in life was to become a writer. As far back as he could remember, he viewed the world from two points of view: an observer and as a figure of action. To write well one must have something to say, which is premised on one’s experiences, observations of humanity, and solutions to the problems of life.


Pursuing the calling to write, Carter composed poetry throughout his formative education in Colorado, and later majored in English Literature at a liberal arts college in Northern California. The future looked bright and hopes were high for where his writing would take him. But it was during this time that personal tragedy struck when his closest friend tragically died in a car accident outside San Francisco. Processing the weight of this loss caused Carter to redirect his studies toward a career in healthcare instead.


While his passion for writing took a different form than originally envisioned, he remained active writing within the field of professional healthcare, all the while gaining life experience. Recently, after nearly 40 years of working in academic medicine and healthcare administration he decided to retire because his life as an observer could no longer be silent. It was now time to write, for he had something to say. All of Carter’s work results from his life experience, observations, and solutions to life’s problems we all encounter at one time or another.


Carter’s first work of historical fiction grows out of his deep interest in WWII history, particularly the role of the Scandinavian countries during these intervening years. Married to a Norwegian woman born at the tail end of the War, he has taken numerous trips to Norway and Sweden, interviewed countless individuals who lived during this time, and scoured libraries with unique WWII collections. His novella, War Wounds and Secrets–Ruth Iversen’s Journal, is the result of years of research.


After becoming a grandfather, Carter combined the magic and lore of Norway to compose 25 didactic fairytales for the newest members of his growing family. He is currently working with various artists to provide appropriate illustrations for publication.


Building on the fairytale theme, coupled with his many years’ experience in healthcare, Carter began researching and writing a pioneering book. His aim was to be the first to combine communication skills, religion, myth, and Eldertale as literature to encourage and model behavior for Alzheimer’s victims. Originally written as an aid for communicating with his Aunt, who eventually died from Alzheimer’s complications, he published Mistaken Identity: An Eldertale Spiritual Journey in the Second Half of Life.


Reflecting on his years of experience as a certified professional in healthcare quality assurance, Carter stumbled upon a murder of epic portions—one that had never been solved! In order to unravel this mystery, Carter wrote Mayerling Syndrome, a suspense thriller.


In the Gold Crescent Button, Thomas sought to tell a story of the first metal button ever made. Once he found it, he traced its fascinating history spanning over nine hundred years to modern times.


Yet another writing adventure has turned to the complexity of urban development and the future of cities. This is a story which can only be told upon the big screen, and so he is currently editing a movie manuscript called Futropolis. This project is under development as a major motion picture by D’Artagnan Entertainment Inc., a Hollywood-based production company.



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